Thursday, 29 March 2012

Game Music To Get you In The Mood........

       To date a Real Womenzzzz: Final Fantasy Battle Music
You know it’s coming DUNANANANA DUNA DUNANANANA from the bass! You start to get psyched its time to totally OWNZ THEZE MOFUCKAS!! In all seriousness the battle music from FF has always spurred me on to do great things. The way the music slowly builds up to a massive climax just as you are summoning, or doing an overdrive etc it gets me everytime. This to me is analogous to dating a women. See for the peoplez who have not had a date before bascially they work by you walking around in a large field/forrest waiting for a random encounter and as soon as women approaches the date/battle begins and from there you have a series of options.
1.)    Run (GOT AWAY SAFELY)
2.)    Attack (WHATS YOUR NAMEZZZZ!!)
3.)    Item (a ruffee)
Most of the time I end up picking option one…..
 But all joking aside I listened to all the FF battle music from IV, VI, IX, X, and XIII in a row before a date and it got me totally psyched…. It ended badly (as I was trying to summon Odin the whole date : P) but the main thing is I was motivated!!
 This was so hard to get down to 3!!!
Final Fantasy IV Battle Theme

Final Fantasy VI Battle Theme

Final Fantasy IX Battle Music
P.S and if you get to touch the women you can always play this
FF Win Music

 To Do Remedial Tasks (ie homework, housework )
  Streets of Rage 2 ( specifically go straight)
A great album from the amazing Yuzo Koshiro. Go straight is a plethora of simple hidden melodies fused with a great beat. You’ll be humming away for hours, Im pretty sure I could read an article in concrete internationals bi-monthly magazine while listening to streets of rage 2 and not even feel remotely bored…..OH wait I already have..
      Streets of Rage 2 " Go Straight"

To Push Oneself  Physically
 Ys Overworld Theme/ Mega Man 3 Dr. Willy levels or  Super Metroid escape music
This is a real niche JRPG and its likely not one of you have ever heard off it. But regardless of its small market the music is bloody amazing a mixture between 70s plump bass and screeching 80s Japanese guitars. If I was to ever become a massive juicehead I would have Ys music playing constantly in my gym.
  Now mega man 3 willys theme and metroids escape music have countless times just spontaneously made me start to run…run to where ever I am going I don’t care the way both of these songs just evolve just listen and youll understand.
   Ys Overworld Theme

Mega Man 3 Wlly Stages

Super Metroid Escape Music

To just Chill
Metroid prime (specifically chozo ruins and phendrana drifts)
Once again my natural bias towards to Metroid and Kenji Yamamoto slips in. The songs I have highlighted in particular are perfect for nice Sunday afternoon in the sun….. worry about Monday later. Pour yourself a nice drink and take in the atmosphere samus style.

Chozo Ruins

Phendrana Drifts

 To Be All Thoughtful and Shit
There are so many songs in this category, in fact I have an entire playlist on my ePOD devoted to this stuff so I will just list a few of the pearlers
 To Zanarkand (FF10)
This song starts it all for me, a tragic romance cut short by the fact that (SPOILERS FOR A 11 YEAR OLD GAME) the main character and love interest (Tidus named Ben Dog for me : P ) has been DEAD the whole TIME!! Yes Yuna and Tidus were not meant to be. But to me it symbolizes all the promises of love and that no matter what happens, the bonds you form for someone you love is eternal, forever true, and the only thing in this universe that is truly eternal.

To Zanarkand

To Far Away Times (Chrono Trigger)
Now no doubt the end song of chrono trigger had to make it on this list somewhere!!! This song has a real mongrel of feelings associated with it, part of it will always be sad as you are saying good bye to best friends some of which you will never see again. You can take that depressing route with this song that’s fine, however I have a completely different take on it. To Far Away Times to me will always symbolize the bond of friendship and trust you form with close friends, it stands as an auditory beacon that no matter where you or your friends end up (at the end of time or the day of lavos!)You will always have the memories and not even time cannot take that away from you.

To Far Away Times

 Just some general everyday music (as we all know a game song a day keeps the girlys away : P)
Mighty Switch Force By Jake Kaufman
This album is available digitally for a fucken cent!!!! (you can pay more though and I highly suggest you do!) Please buy it and support Jake. Game music is seldom appreciated for all that it does and adds to our favourite hobby behind internets. This album is so good that I can play it to a particular flatmate of mine (who is a girl and therfore a casual!!! Jokes sorry my non existant female reader base) liked it and honestly didn’t mind me blasting it in the lounge! This is coming from someone who calls Mega Man 2 white noise GRRRRR!!!!!! NERD RAGE!!!

Im In Space Cuba (Mighty Switch Force OST)